Coming soon...........Another hutch! This is going to be a gorgeous antique white/cream rustic hutch. I can't wait to post it. I am just putting the finishing touches on it and hope to have it ready by the weekend.
Hi Lindsay- I love your site and you are so talented. Is there any chance of you working on a black hutch in the near future? kaylene
I will definitely do a black hutch in the future. It's hard to say's just a matter of finding one that needs some TLC. In the mean time, if you come across a hutch that you like but it's not black or needs to be fixed up then feel free to email me a picture and I would love to give you a quote on refinishing it for you. Thanks for following my blog!!
Hi Lindsay- I love your site and you are so talented. Is there any chance of you working on a black hutch in the near future?
I will definitely do a black hutch in the future. It's hard to say's just a matter of finding one that needs some TLC. In the mean time, if you come across a hutch that you like but it's not black or needs to be fixed up then feel free to email me a picture and I would love to give you a quote on refinishing it for you. Thanks for following my blog!!